Meadow View B&B i Navan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMeadow View B&B


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Slane Road, Navan, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 46 902 3994
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Latitude: 53.663869, Longitude: -6.6704094

kommentar 5

  • megan voisin

    megan voisin


    We were greeted by the husband when we first arrived, he was so lovely and helpful. He told us which restaurant was best and even offered to drive us there if we wanted to have a couple drinks. The restaurant he recommended was such a great choice! The room is very big and comfortable. They do such a good job taking care of their home and property. In the morning we had a delicious breakfast made by the wife, she was so sweet and kind! Highly recommend this B&B!

  • Tetiana Lutsak

    Tetiana Lutsak


    Very clean rooms, almost too clean, when you bring home the smell of detergent on your pajamas. Lovely owner and very welcoming atmosphere.

  • en

    Gillian Belshaw


    Lovely b and b owner can't do enough for you

  • en

    Jennifer Blotniski


    Wonderful place to stay. Nice big room with an en-suite bathroom. Very clean. Meticulously maintained grounds. The host was very accommodating & even packed is fruit for our 4am trip to the airport! (An easy 40 min drive.)

  • en

    Thomas Doherty


    Nora was very kind. Room, sitting room and breakfast were all great. Nice place to stay before heading to Dublin Airport.

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