Newgrange Hotel i Navan

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IrlandNewgrange Hotel


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Bridge Street, C15 A6WV, Navan, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 46 907 4100
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Latitude: 53.6518562, Longitude: -6.6829555

kommentar 5

  • Greg Rogers

    Greg Rogers


    The Newgrange Hotel is ideal for your stay in Navan. The hotel entrance is very unassuming. On entering it has a spacious 'olde world' feel to it......hardwood panelled doors, bookcases, ornate tables and chairs in the bar and foyer. A sort of "Castle-like" atmosphere to it all. The rooms are comfortable. The bathrooms are clean, free from wear and tear. Bedroom furniture is again of hardwood style, not as airy as more modern hotel decor. This is a style choice, in-keeping with the overall theme. Location is ideal. Russell's Bistro is across the street. The Palace Bar is next door to that for Thu, Fri or Sat night boogie'ing. Plenty of pubs and other eateries are within 5 mins walk. On its own I would probably award 3 stars, but with location thrown in and an underground car park, it gets the 4th star from me.

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    Paul Lungu


    5 Stars for a 3 Stars Hotel, This is ideal Hotel to stay if you are in Navan, the price is decent and the rooms are spacious enough. Staff is nice and they will help you with anything you need. Breakfast is ok i will like to see a bit more stuff vegetarian/ vegan friendly food but overall is ok.

  • Jennifer Nightingale

    Jennifer Nightingale


    So quaint, charming and clean. The food in the restaurant was good, the employees were wonderful, and the entire facility was lovely!

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    Peter Angus


    This is a pleasant hotel and a nice change from the typical big chain hotels i usually use. I particularly liked the pub attached to the hotel. Free parking is provided but it must be said it is a very tight squeeze so care must be taken. Breakfast was good and the hotel is clean and tidy throughout. There are a number of public areas and lounges in which to relax. The staff are very friendly and helpful. The only problem I had was I had to turn the bath taps on fully to get the water at the sink to run hot. I will make this my first choice in hotels if returning to the area

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    Sharon Curran


    Nice older type of hotel. Didn't stay the night but used the facilities for a conference. Staff were polite and helpful. Food was great. Loved the fact that it is an old hotel as it oozes character and very good value for money. Has it's own car park but given the age and location of the building the spaces are narrow. However I really liked this hotel. Oh and by the way the coffee is really good.

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