Ma Dwyer's Guest House i Navan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMa Dwyer's Guest House


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Dublin Road, Navan, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 46 907 7992
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Latitude: 53.6439606, Longitude: -6.6731412

kommentar 5

  • en

    Thomas McIntyre


    Great location, comfortable rooms and tasty breakfast. Staff very pleasant.

  • en

    Gavin Reid


    We got charged before we stayed which is never a good idea as my room had no windows and the smell of the sewer was quite overpowering. When I complained it was dismissed as coming from the road works outside. None existed. We waited over an hour on breakfast because of only one staff member being on duty. I will never stay in this establishment again nor will I recommend it.

  • en

    Joe Butler


    Very polite snd helpful staff. Nice comfortable rooms

  • ツNypd



    Solid guest house not too far from the city center. Great location for those just coming into Dublin airport or those planning to leave Ireland the next day. The staff was very friendly and accommodating. My only complaint was that the room was started too look kinda dated.

  • Tracy hawke

    Tracy hawke


    Room are spacious and very clean. Staff are all very friendly and helpful. If you book this place you must have the Irish breakfast its the best. All locally sourced ingredients and tasty. No complaints here everything was ace if im ever back in Ireland ill definitely come back to Ma Dwyer's its great value for money

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