Heatons-Northside SC i Dublin 17

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandHeatons-Northside SC



🕗 åbningstider

Oscar Traynor Road, D17 K244, Dublin 17, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1890 800 314
internet side: www.heatonsstores.com
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Latitude: 53.3960315, Longitude: -6.213619

kommentar 5

  • Ann OBrien

    Ann OBrien


    Nice clothing and some great bargains but could do with more stock of the latest items

  • eddie byrne

    eddie byrne


    A bit cramped but lots of bargains

  • Lisa Doyle

    Lisa Doyle


    Great value for money, I find it is good for children's Clothing and Household Accessories.

  • Venkat Pashike

    Venkat Pashike


    It's the worst store I've been in my life. They cheat always with two for offers. They display everything at the same place and when we take them to counter they charge normal price and they don't take returns and refund. They charged me normal price for 2 for offers and after i checked the bill,i asked them if its normal price i wanted one but you offered in 2 for discount i took two items. Just 30 second after I paid in told them I don't want to buy two if I'm not getting them in offer. I'll only take one, the other one take it back or give me the same I get in offer. I don't want to pay extra for something I don't use much. They said they don't have clothes that are in offer and they can't refund me for one. if they don't have the same clothes.,then why are they keeping then hem at display on same stand with big 2 for offer display visible everywhere tempt customers. Cheaters. One day definitely this store will be sued. Maybe I don't have enough time for all these but I hope one day some one will get time and know very well about law and consumet rights. They think people don’t care much, we can cheat because it’s just few euros, after they pay they don’t have time to go around offices and courts. Its unfortunate but some idiots utilizing these opportunities and cheating. I kept all the proof of the purchases and pictures of the store that cheated me if in future, I see they are doing the same, I’ll not leave them until they pay to the community they are cheating. Don't go to this shop and it’s stores,if you go make sure you won't get cheated. All the best guys!

  • Derek May

    Derek May


    Staff are always very helpful. Thank you!

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